Everything is AWESOME!!

Met Ol for turkish after work yesterday. We have a proper dingy looking, amazing food one 10 min from home and we decided to go for some mixed grill and dips. Dog free dinner just the 2 of us. Woop woop.

Ol true to his artistic self tried to take some ‘weird youghurt drink leaving traces on the glass’ photos. Went so so. I nailed a good one of him doing it though. Still planning to be rich on this shit one day.

Wool then showed us how cute he can be when he wants too (look mum, he IS cute). I think he is begging for my pumpkin seeds here. He knows how to play it that one.

‘Get out of my space monkey breath, me and hat man are having some lone time’.

Morning view. Life could be worse than this. Tomorrow we are taking Wool to Rye to hang with Ols family but first im going out with work for some drinks tonight. Will try and not be too hanging tomorrow…

Today’s tune: Tegan And Sara – Everything Is AWESOME!!! (feat. The Lonely Island)

Dog life

After having Wool for more than 4 weeks we’ve definitely gotten to know his personality. He is smart, cuddly, sweet and pretty sensitive. He is also a little thief, cunning when he wants something and completely obsessed with sleeping at our feet. Like most dogs in other words.

Here is a pretty hilarious dog blog about another dog with a ‘strong’ personality.


I can see the text when Wool threw up on Miranda’s feet:

‘Greeting poo slaves, taking care of the house’ 

‘Good work!’ 

‘I know, just put ham lady in her place by marking my territory’ 


‘Yeah, I puked on her feet to show her who’s boss’ 

‘You did WHAT?’

… the weather this morning. Wool and me were a sorry crew running around Ravenscourt. It was wet and mingy and no other dogs were out.

The joys of having a dog.

This weekend we are heading to Rye and it looks like there will be quite a lot of rain. Wondering if Wool will be as happy as I would if we just sit inside and eat scones? I would even let him have a taste. As long as I don’t have to run around the beach in the rain.

I guess I just look kind of arabian

Kix is having a somewhat slow day. When you are doing important things like taking care of peoples mental health this is your down time.

My perfect matches when Im hanging and bloated…Hello Andy Warhol and weird arabian man.

When drunk i go all Tyra Banks on your asses.

Kix on the other hand goes for the more dead, black and white ugly writer look.

Or why not dead, black and white, ugly MAN writer….

Summer light

Came home from work dead tired last night and met Ol and Miranda talking about her being on Tinder. It was an interesting lesson in how to click ‘no’ on most guys. I saw a lot of cute ones but hey, I have the best one so no need for that (even if I would love to sit and click through it, its like a game. Especially judging the profile pics – whats up with men with dolphins/tigers/cats/machine guns)

The modern generation. On their phones and tablets and the poor doggy sleeping in the middle.

Wool slept on my neck and I read Donna Tartts ‘The Goldfinch’. Very good so far. Cant stop reading.

This morning had to get up early since Ol is retouching and I had to take Wool out before work. We went to Ravenscourt and Wool tried some of his super power moves. here trying to reach a squirrel. 2 seconds later he found a hole in the fence and off he went. I had to scramble through trying to catch him. Went so so. I won in the end.

Since the weather was gorgeous i decided to walk in to work as well. Look at this.

Burning Man

Planning for Burning Man with Filippa, Erik, Dani and Gundula in August…


… so much stuff to think off and man does it cost money. We want to go down the RV route and if you want to rent it from Reno its £1000 PER PERSON. Money well spent. So we are currently looking at driving from Las Vegas or San Fransisco.

I really, really want to dance in the desert with crazy robot spiders all around me but I also want to have all of this fixed and preferable someone who pays for me.

Oh well, Im hoping someone will come back to me and offer the best RV, fully fitted with everything, asap. Then I can just focus on my dancing and what mental clothes to wear in the desert.

The Book of Mormon

Ol and me went to see Book of Mormon yesterday. It was the campest, gayest most amazing thing I have ever seen. Completely crazy. How else to describe something where the Afrikans sings about their aids and the Mormons decides that fucking frogs is how you get free from the disease.

I laughed, and smiled, and laughed some more and even Oliver looked like he was enjoying himself.

I must have collected loads of relationship points for Ol to finally take me to a musical after having proclaimed on the first time we met ‘that I could never date a girl who likes musicals’. Love Im telling you.

Definitely worth seeing for anyone loving a great, musical, crazy number of joy.

Oliver wore a shirt for date night.

I was so overly excited i twisted my ankle on the way down the stairs at work (the left one is a bit fatter) and had to hobble around for the rest of the night. Having slept on it, it feels a bit better now. Win!

A taste of the awesomness: Josh Gad – Hasa Diga Eebowai

You tread on my heart with tiny paws covered in mud

This was a quiet, slow weekend spent mostly on walks in the sun. Doesn’t sound too bad does it?

Oliver got a last minute job and had to work all weekend. Wool and me sat on the sofa and read books (well, I read and Wool kept trying to get the best lap position)

On Saturday morning we took selfies to send to Ol and got ready for a long walk in the sun with Laura. We walked for 2 hours and talked about everything between heaven and earth. Best way to spend the day ever.

When done both Wool and me fell asleep on the sofa. Knackered after all that walking.

But, being a dog owner the walking never stops and we ventured out to Ravenscourt for another hour of chasing squirrels (Wool) and desperately shouting after my dog chasing squirrels (me).

Spring made the park look absolutely lovely. I looked longingly to throw myself in the daffodils like  a cheesy ad for hey fever and Wool looked longingly at all the squirrels/birds/leaves/papers on the other side of the fence.

Sunday morning. This monster waited until the alarm went off and then ran straight for his favourite place, between us in the bed.

Ol and me took him;;;wait for it…for ANOTHER walk. 2 hours of windy dog playing in the park. Since Wool is getting a bit naughty we now have to ran the other way or hide when he runs off so that he never know where we are. Im sure that made us look slightly demented but it was fun. Above was our reward when we got back.

Ol went off to work and I left Wool with Troxes. Being the two timing dog he is he quickly found new cuddle partners.

I on the other hand went to North to hang with Ben for his 30th. I downed 5 beers, caught up with my favourite fashion couples and ate my second red velvet cake for that day. Win!

Like a slap in the face I had to get up at 7 this morning to walk Wool in the park. We ran, we played, we almost rolled around in the mud. I was destroyed but oddly not hung over. Win!

Today’s tune: Years & Years – Traps


Its flowers both inside and outside at the moment. My home is full of flowers from rocking friends and outside the sun is shining and daffodils, crocuses and budding trees are everywhere.

And yeah people, its FRIDAY!!

Plan is to do nothing tonight and then go straight out into Richmond Park and the sun tomorrow. You heard me, im planning for an early morning and evening at home. Boojah!

My bouquet of awesomeness from Laura. Its sits right by my face when Im reading so I feel like Im living in a garden instead of a London flat. It also hides the smell from muddy dog.

Yes, yes, yes, this is what met my eye this morning. Wool went mental and chased squirrels (apparently one of Ols dog walker friends told him her lurcher caught 40 squirrels last year. 40!! how the fuck am I supposed to be able to deal with that?) and the park were full of joggers in shiny, new clothes. A true sign of spring.

Cant you hear my heartbeat

I told you I got a bangle from Oliver for my birthday but I didnt tell which one. Its the one I was dreaming of from Damson.

I love this bangle and its even more gorgeous in real life. Almost too delicate for me so its sits in its box waiting for me to dress up and not fall on my face smashing everything i own.

Oliver and his mum gave me this one together since Ol is also taking me to ‘The Book of Mormon’. Delicate silver jewellery and a musical. I aced it with this guy.

Today’s tune: Jennie Abrahamson – Åträsk