The happiest goodbye

It is fucking D-day!! Back to Sweden day. Last day before the holidays. 

Work is hard. Sita in my team didn’t want to put a picture of an ad from tinder in our competitors channel. So she made Martin and he said a ‘friend’ showed him. The emojis at the end spell Sita 
Work. It’s hard going today. 
I have also arts and crafted George’s Xmas gift. I know he doesn’t read my blog but I don’t dare to put it up anyway. You’ll see my master piece after Christmas. 
Flat looking nice before I leave. I am definitely tooting my own horn but I’m a hero for getting the place in order and sorting all the stuff after george left. 
Saying goodbye to mini man. Will miss this little hero when I’m gone.
But that doesn’t stop me from LOVING the fact that it’s only 3h left until I leave the office. 

Drinkstormings ftw!

It feels very me that the highlighted part of the interview done with me is around drinkstormings 

Because it’s me. That’s kind of how I do things. I hate that saying but work hard play hard. Or maybe, treat your team like grown ups. And a drink always helps. 
Anyway, here is the link if you want to read about all the super clever things I’m saying 
Party on! 

Wonder Woman

2 more days (yes, this is a countdown. Not only to Christmas but to holiday. Dreaming of no dog, no move and no work hanging over me).

Had to remove some rubbish from outside the old flat. Felt strong. Because I’m a strong independent woman that need no man. At least when my man has already left for sthlm. 
After running around and fixing the last bits with the move (what up with it taking FOREVER? Everyone also goes on holiday so deposit etc won’t be processed until after. Skint January) I chilled on the sofa eating a delicious dinner of bagel. Need to eat myself out of the house. 
Opened a lovely Christmas card from George parents. With the rain pouring outside I was quite jealous of this sand Christmas tree (??).
Feeling strong this morning as well I chilled in bed for a while with W but then I threw out 5 bin bags of crap and did a bit more clearing. It’s never ending at the moment but at least the sofa is clear. 
Tonight packing and then up up and away to holiday!! Eat and sleep. Winning. 

It’s progress

Seriously guys, it’s 4 days to Christmas!! That’s just all kinds of amazing. George left this morning on his way to swedeland and I have 3 more days to pretend to care about work. Who sets up meetings the week before Xmas? 

Anyway, was at home yesterday fixing our flat 
I built an improvised wardrobe in the office. At least I got rid of like half the boxes. Good work me. 
George was out at Found so I missed him and lit my lamp I got for Christmas.
It’s an amazing homemade, one of a kind, wooden lamp with a coconut shell made with a cool pattern. Love it. And love my man for getting me amazing gifts. 
Oh, and the sofa came as well. We almost didn’t get it in the flat but persevered. Currently hidden under mounds of shit but it looks great. 
Thank you mum and dad for the best Xmas gift. You can use it when you visit. 
Right now we have a fire alarm at work so I’m out here in the rain chillin. Life! 

The big ass move

These last couple of days have been moving hell. Or, it’s actually not been that bad. Maybe moving purgatory. A pretty dark place. 

Either way, we are almost done. I handed over the keys to the old flat and the new one looks like a war zone. To be expected. 
We blew off 4 confetti canons for a proper send off at my office Christmas party. If you are paying for professional clean make them work for it. 
We got access to our new flat and I decided to move the most important bits over. Plants and candles. 
Checked out our new neighbors and realised they have a thing for gnomes. Like seriously. So we now call them…the gnomes. 
Dom and Harry helped moving and we treated them to Turkish as a thank you because awesome. 
Woolly was freaked out about all the moving going on but I made him sit on the sofa with me and what more like home than that? 
We unpacked and unpacked and unpacked and George ripped an old shirt in his hulkness. 
This morning all was back to normal (minus the 500 boxes in our flat) and W and me took a walk in a freezing ravenscourt. 
Only 3 more days before Xmas. I’m stuck at home getting the flat sorted before leaving. Exciting times. 

The awesomest Christmas gift

I know you are all sitting at the end of your seats barely able to contain yourselves…

…because the biggest question of the year…

….what did george give me for Christmas? 
He fucking aced it. Sorry for swearing but he did. I LOVED Matilda when I was a kid. And we all know my never ending relationship with musicals. 
So what better in the world than your favourite book made into a musical? 
Maybe a boyfriend who takes you to that musical even if he hates it. That is love.
It was amazing even if we were sat in a sea of kids. Who cares when you are in musical heaven. Plus he got me a saffron bun.
Ok, end all of this sappy love stuff. 
After the musical we met up with Dan, Elliot and Liam at the Vault. 
I should know by now, don’t drink shots with 4 bartenders. You can’t win that one even if you think you are a Swedish Viking. Fact.
This morning struggling. Good for me things are slowing down due to Christmas so can get away with chillin at work today.
Ending this with a speculation about my skin colour. This is taken at the same time and in the same place. And I’m blue? Or as Dan said ‘I would use you for colour correcting in photo shop’. I hear you, I’m wrong. 

Things I’m up to when I’m not on the sofa

So, my life isn’t just drinking and sofa chillin. I do work as well. Here are some of the things I’ve done for work which is out there in the world. 

Except for bringing W to work and ending me in the news I did a conference in Tel Aviv. 
If you want to hear me speak about CRM here is the link 
I’m also featuring in an article of practitioner of the month but it’s not up yet. There can be too much of a good thing at the same time…
Ending with a pic of me and W working together. 
We definitely need more dogs in the work space. 

A pretty banging Monday

Look at how much of a bad ass Woolly is in this article 

Clearly the coolest dog of the pack rocking his sweater and awesomeness. 
I am VERY excited today since George is giving me one of my Xmas gifts tonight and I have no idea what it is. 
Last year it was amazing burlesque circus so wondering how he is topping it this year. No pressure…
He did rock my socks yesterday showing up at home in suit and bringing Turkish food. 
Look at this hawt man. Yum.
Before that I did some packing (riveting) and watch a musical, demon anime with hot dudes. Yes I’m 35 and still fall a bit in love with cartoon figures. 
Counting down the hours. 4 more before I get to go see my man and whatever he has in store for me 

A perfect snowy weekend

Ok seriously it’s not fair making us go to work when it’s sooooo close to Christmas. Even if I’m fairly busy at the moment I find myself humming along the Xmas songs simply not caring #sorrynotsorry 

This is moving week as well so my head is filled up with packing and deposits and other super exciting things. 
My Friday was spent in an empty and messy flat trying to get some feeling by smelling my hyacinth and lighting my candles. It kind of worked. Almost.
But then Katta, George and me braved the traffic and spent an hour on the bus to Lollo in battersea.
She had saffron buns and dill crisps so totally worth the ride.
Then Ella and her friend joined and we went to a house party in east. It was crazy. So we gave up after about an hour and headed home. 
Woke up to snow!! 
So put on our warmest clothes and headed out. 
Woolly was not particularly impressed but George got to throw snowballs and make cheap snowcones (just stay away from the yellow snow) so that was one happy boy.
Then we chilled 
And chilled some more. 
Only two weeks to go before we are back in the motherland. Until then, all the Xmas music I can stomach. 

So happy for the week to be over

Finally feeling a bit better. My cough is down in my chest and I sound like a 70 year old man too fond of his whisky and cigars but at least I’m not shivering like a little leaf any longer.

I went to a two day conference in Paris in the back of the moulin rogue. Not sure if thats what inspired my manager to in front of our colleagues saying ‘Cecilia got me sick since we were fresh kissing in the office’…
Then we did some weird drinking challenge. Getting there we squeezed 7 people into one car. The French dont care much for road safety. 
But Paris was pretty 
And we had to do some singing and dancing in the street. Don’t ask. Apparently that’s what you do when you get the top 50 of your company for two days.
Wearing this I got told that I was looking very sexy and it was so nice of me to dress up for the men.
Men. Again….
You would think in these #metoo times that they would think twice about saying stupid things but it’s hard to change these powerful, white men. 
Then I got home and packed up all of Oliver’s stuff. As George said ‘nice to not live in a shrine to your old relationship any longer’. Hear you babe and sorry about that. 
We then hid in bed and watched some series. There is only that much packing you can do in one day.
This morning came into salty caramel cupcakes. Friday yes! Thank you team for being the best.