Fleeing the city

Friday. Deciding if I can be bothered to go out and do something or just stay home. I’m just so tired. Not sure why but the thought of people and socialising and talking is like hell no. 

But I have been doing an awful lot of sofa sitting…
I booked a trip for me and George to get out of town next Sunday. He is doing crazy cocktail week stuff next week and I just need away time.
So we are going here for two nights.
And chillin around in here. Exactly what I dream of. No wifi, no nearby town. Just us and the animals of the farm. Dream. 
I had a run in with the French again yesterday. So I created my den of zen as George calls it. Then Katta came over and we talked about boys rather than never ending fights with our product team. Needed that.
So we’ll see what tonight brings. Candles deluxe or drinks. 

Take me to the country

Busy planning weekend get aways from London. Need to get away. Me and George will hopefully go in October and me and the girls in November. I love London but I miss a proper weekend walking in the forest or something. 

My body is post summer tired. I feel like I can’t sleep enough no matter what I do. And I have my nose cold sores. Always when run down. Need a break from myself…
The world is pretty though. This is exactly what I want. Trees turning colour and me being outside. 
And this. I need never ending cuddles. But George is going to work like crazy for a couple weeks and then I’m traveling all over the place so please, countryside! 

Things I’ve been up to when I wasn’t drinking

It has been a couple of busy days with crayfish party and ginoff but don’t you worry, I have had time for the sofa.

Here are some crazy stuff me and my little family have been up to in between drunk and hungover 
I admired my semi naked (sorry dad) man on Sunday morning. Best lazy day ever.
Then it turned into his best day because super smash brothers for wii was delivered. I know what my man will be up to this autumn. 
I let him be and lighted my new candle smelling of the Swedish forest. Best smell ever.
I also finally got myself a watering can 
As well as another funky plant. I have no idea what this is but it sure looks weird. How I like ‘em.
On Monday George came with me for the morning walk. It was about 100 times nicer with company. But to be honest, I don’t mind my early walks with doggo.
This morning it was all bursting with colour. 
And last but not least, yesterday’s dinner that is the most hungover thing you can do. Winner! 

King of the night, loser today :(

It was the quarter finals of the gin off yesterday. I asked George if I should take the day after off so that we could celebrate. 

He said no.
Oh god I wish he hadn’t. Because he won (of course, he is the best) and we celebrated ALL night with ALL the drinks.
Today I am in a world of pain…
Me. When I was still innocent and unknowing of the hungover that would claim my life.
Crew getting ready for drinking the cocktails.
George made a lingonberry gin drink with a rosemary and thyme syrup. Delicious. 
And they won!! 2 goes on to the semi finals and they made it through. 
So yeah, we had to celebrate. We went on to El Camion and had verditas. And daiquiris. 
Schlepped our sorry asses home around 1. Which was not too bad. Still kind of drunk when I woke up this morning. I’m at work now. Hanging on for dear life. Pondering if it’s a give away to nail a cheeseburger. 

Cray cray

We went to a crayfish party on Saturday. Finally. Except for the little one with the girls in July this is my first one. Long overdue. I ace at crayfish parties.

We got ourselves excited with snapchat filters in the morning. This is a good look for George.

After some epic Scooter in the cab to the venue we ended up at Blåbär in Putney. They had set up the place brilliantly. 
We got hats, dill crisps and Napue drinks. 
And secret missions. Mine is as to take selfies with everyone. Yes, I aced that one.
We sat down for shitloads of food and snaps. A true kräftskiva in other words.
I got to work on the crayfishes. As the only swede I had to do a little show and tell how to peel them. 
And then we ate 
And ate 
I ate the full circle. Because I’m a winner. You could call me a pro.
The others focused more on the drinking. Not as interested in sucking crayfish belly.
As all crayfish parties it ended drunken, smelly and belly full food and booze.
Crayfish dance
Since my mission was the selfies I took one with the whole team which won me a salty licqourice chocolate. Yes! 
But this was the hero team. Then we went to a club, had shots, went to an after party and ending up having a little home disco to Scooter.
Excellent night.

Work bff

Brought mini man to work again yesterday. He is getting used to it and chills out like a pro. 

Wish my work day was as easy as this. Just sleeping in a soft bed. Have we tamed the dogs or they us? 
I then had to negotiate some contracts. I hate that. I’m not a big baller when it comes too that shit, feel more like a kid.
Woolly was moral support. 
Then we chilled. Like the pro chillers we are. Sorry (not sorry) for showing you our boring lives but it ain’t more interesting than this. 

Getting shit done

Sometimes I feel like a total kid. Like yesterday when I picked up a ready meal, got W and then just died on the sofa. Doing NOTHING. Glorious.

But then George came home and I shamed him into changing the broken light bulb by saying I would do it.
So, in the end I managed to get something done. Through playing someone else. But still. Winning! 
We have our french friend Cisco staying in the flat for a couple of days and I have W with me in the office today. That means a chilled out evening again. 
Was trying to give W away to Ol but he is moving studios and true to form its taking him a month (!!!) so i am on more or less constant W duty. Thank god not having to deal with Ol timelines any longer! 


It’s Wednesday today. I’ve started my excel spreadsheet with Christmas gifts. Planning and thinking. It makes me happy. Finding gifts that make the people I give them to understand how much they mean to me. Sometimes I fail. But sometimes I get it right.

I am tired at the moment. Don’t have much energy. Pick up W after work and die on the sofa when I get home. Should exercise, should cook and not eat ready meals, should change that lightbulb in the bathroom that’s been out for 3 months. 
But I pat my belly and eat candy on the sofa instead. Because sometimes that is what you need to do. Self care. 
Went for another walk with Katta along the canal yesterday. I realise I don’t only sit on the sofa, I also walk. Between 2 and 3 hours a day. I guess that is where my time goes. I’m some kind of walking freak. 
George came home not too late (winning) and we watched another episode of fringe. 
Yes. Life. Pretty slow going at the moment. But also good. 

Nightclubbing like the olden days

My weekend was quiet. And then it wasn’t. And then it was again. Standard. 

Stayed home on Friday. Because it’s autumn and I can’t do party two nights in a row. Or I shouldn’t. Either way, heroes on the sofa.
W chilled with his friends in the park. Or chilled? Ziggy always try and make him run and he hates it. He looks at me long suffering until I leave him and he has to run to come get me and Ziggy follows. Evil mummy but you need the run lil’buddy.
Then we lajvade 50 shades of grey. The less exciting version. 
In the evening I got dolled up and met girlies for dinner at the Ivy. 
Drank cocktails and ended up meeting Eric and crew at Tonteria. Yes, we went clubbing. In the old school, free vodka, dance all night to hits way.
That ended the way you can imagine…
Bea gave us never ending drinks and Lex showed her Russian side by downing vodka like it was water. 
I came home to 3 guys drinking old fashioned and a doggo not that happy about the partying. So dressed him up into Party Doggo. 
Sunday was saved by pizza. 
Yesterday me and george played with Snapchat filters and watched fringe. He is working late most nights this week and then we have a french friend over so we needed that night on the sofa. 
He was also a hero bringing me food and lighting all the candles for me coming home. Made Monday instantly better. 

London in my heart forever

We have another suspected terrorist attack here this morning. A bomb exploded on the tube pretty close to us. This is my old Wimbledon line. It seems that no one is dead and not too many injuries. 

Poor London, what are they doing to you?
We are all good though, W and george are snoozing at home and im safely tucked away at work. 
It’s so cold but pretty out at the moment. Only 8 degrees this morning. But W and me braved the cold and headed out into a pretty London morning. Before news of explosions and sadness. 
Yesterday katta, me and W walked along the canals in little Venice. London showed off its finest and I was absolutely in love with London and life. Autumn is my jam! 
And this morning I found a massive spider in the bathtub, true sign of it getting cold when the animals crawl in from the garden. 
You win some you lose some living in London…
Then my friend sent me a pictures of the speakers at Optimove connect. Uh oh! 
Tonight taking it super easy. Party times tomorrow so need to rest my poor body to get ready for all night dancing.