We have arrived.

After a 16 hour flight we are finally here. Ol and me outdid ourselved in practicality. Matching, memory foam, travel pillows, practical bags and hoodies.

Slept most of today, took a walk were ol almost fainted from the heat and i had the best banana milkshake.

We are still the palest on the island

Ajöss och tack för fisken

Only a couple of hours more before I’m logging off and leave for 2 weeks in paradise. My only concern is that I’m very unmatched for the flight over – red, oversized hoodie, practical jacket and neon pink shoes. We all know that wont get you upgraded (right Sanna) as well as it makes me a bit sick being that un fashionable.

Other than that I cant complain. We’ll be picked up from the airport and driven the directly to this place

 We’ll spend three days working (that means that Ol will be working and I’ll be found by the pool) and then we’re off to travel the East side and the mountains in the middle.

Apparently there are ok wi fi so I’ll try and update the blog with pictures so you know we’re alive and not stuck in the hospital now that we dont have our own sterile syringes. Or as Ol said this morning ‘I wont be able to hold myself from say ‘told you so’ if we get hepatitis from using their syringes.’ Fair.

Happy Easter!

It’s Heidi’s Birthday tomorrow as well as Easter and we all know what that means by now…loads of cake, sweeties and sugar highs.

True to form we ventured up to Paul’s (we must be their best customers by now) and picked up a cake. Fromage (fancy word for cheescake as Jonas pointed out) this time to make it a bit lighter for the early morning. Even if the clock hadn’t yet struck 11 it got eaten. I’m proud of my team.

Heidi cutting her cake like a pro.  
Fancy cheescake. Very fancy indeed and tasted really good. 
We have an Easter Egg appeal at work were we are asked to give chocolate eggs to children with illnesses so this isn’t for the porky pies of the office.  

The night before today

Yesterday went to Anglesea Arms to meet up with Pettan, Hanne and Joe for a beer. It was us and a shit load of old men. That didn’t stop us from having a nice time and devouring beers. They have moved down to South Ken, I’m expecting spring time hang out at Anglesea Arms again.

Eventually my senses got the better of me and I went home to Oliver and picked up some food on the way. Among other things this hideously orange cheese. It was surprisingly good. Then passed out.

An Eggcellent evening!

Last night was dinner and egg painting at Kix’s. Who knew we would let out our inner artists. Started by making us a green pea soup with parma bread sticks.

Actually turned out quite well…

Then Kix made us strawberry and youghurt dessert while we started planning our artistic master pieces

First I had to play some with the Ziglet, Kix said I sounded like a monster, Tompa like a super hero. I prefer Tompa’s version.

I also got a travel gift from Kix – a set of juggling balls. I know what i’ll be doing on the beach.

Then the painting could begin. Kix made a ‘classical’ one to get herself warmed up.  Good start.

Tompa was feeling the inner calm and looking for inspiration.

I missed Laxen and made an easter egg with Laxen as a salmon drinking vodka at Raffles. It turned out pretty accurate.

Ol was jealous and asked if i could paint him. It became a binnikemask (tape worm) in a green sweater and with a tiny bit of chest hair. He also had a weird lump on his head. Pretty spot on.

I then had to do a self portrait – owning at Raffles (i havent been hanged as Kix thought)

Eggsellent couple right (hahaha, best egg joke, so good that I will re use it in the title)

The end production of our creativeness. See Tompa’s awesome dragon, Kix’s version of Sven behind Laxen and her picture of her future kids. 

I do have it all

Moving closer to the actually leaving date and I’m getting more and more excited (yes Jules, here is another update of the preparations for Sri Lanka 2013tm)

 I have now done the customary boots shopping. After convincing Ol we dont need sterile syringes, a pop up emergency tent and our own mosquito net I still went a bit bananas in there.

Sun block 50, 30 and 15, plasters, insect repellant, neurofens and wound wash (i have had the unpleasant experience of having the tiniest scratch getting infected and having my entire leg swell up) as well as some beauty stuff. Sri Lankan beaches wont know what hit them.

Especially not when Oliver walks around with his homemade MUNTRON tattoo.


Don’t know if you are like me but if so the trial of finding new music to listen too during long days in front of the work computer is an ever present problem.

I try and get music from everywhere i can and make music lists of everything that tickles my fancy.

So, if you have the same ‘almost painfully hipster’ (my brother) and ‘super commercial’ (Oliver) taste as me maybe you’ll find something in my 2013 music list.

If you see me you will see the smile in the corner of my eye

Another cold morning. Guess I dont have to tell any one of you that. Wearing my big jacket that Ol adopted from NY. 3 days left, that what gets me out of bed in the morning. That and the fact that you have to.

Talked a lot about depressions and it’s implications over the last couple of days. So many suffers from it. Guess it’s the times, the age and the fact that people are more and more likely to analyze themselves. Can’t say if it’s good or bad, I know i needed it since I couldnt handle myself but at the same time I wish I just didnt have that much time to think. Without endless thinking about the past and the possibilities of the future it isn’t much to be depressed about.

Medicines helped me. I think that if you are at the point were you’ve tried it all and nothing seems to help they could give you the strength to rise above the thoughts in your mind and manage them. Can’t say if that’s true for everyone though.

Hope the sun peeks through soon, that usually helps. It’s hard to be unhappy with the sun on your face.

 Last years Midsummer at Djursvik. Photo by Oliver Holms